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Artist in residence: Mouad Lasmak

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Mouad laat ons kennismaken maken met de wereldkeukens en culturen die Amsterdam-West rijk is.
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Mouad neemt ons mee langs de wegen die Ibn Battuta bewandeld heeft. Vanuit Marokko maakte deze ontdekkingsreiziger een indrukwekkende reis langs 44 landen verspreid over Noord-Afrika, Arabisch Schiereiland, Zuid Azië en Zuidoost Azië en maakte kennis met nieuwe culturen en wereldkeukens. De komende maanden herontdekken wij samen met Mouad de culturen en de wereldkeukens in de Kolenkitbuurt. Welke culinaire verhalen krijgen wij voorgeschoteld in Amsterdam-West? Mouad gaat de komende maanden op zoek naar deze verhalen om vast te leggen en door te vertellen. Hij sluit deze residency af met een Ibn Battuta werelddiner met livemuziek, inclusief een publicatie van deze speciale gerechten die hij verzameld heeft.


De bijzondere recepten van de Kolenkit buurt zijn verzameld. De verhalen zijn gebundeld.

Aanstaande zondag 10 december delen we dit allemaal met jou tijdens een pre-dinner party.

Je bent vanaf 15:30 uur welkom. Het programma start om 16:00 uur.

Mouad Lasmak over de residentie

My passion brought me here 10 years ago and made me discover the other side of the world. Through this ongoing journey, I've learned so much and discovered myself as well. I've learned that the world is much bigger than what they taught us in school. I've learned that using other languages is much more significant than just using them in exams. I've learned that food is more diverse than what we eat at home. I've learned all these things by traveling over 4000 km. Imagine crossing 109,100 km on foot, or traveling for 28 years solely by walking. For some, it may seem like a miracle in today's world.

Mouad over Ibn Battuta

The spiritual passion of Ibn Battuta made him create one of the most remarkable stories in our history. He traveled through 44 countries without taking a plane, using Google Maps, or even having a credit card. He relied on his eyes and words instead of a camera or vlogs. Through his words in his book, "Rihla," you can experience the aroma of the food, see the faces of people, and appreciate their diversity. You can see the natural landscapes and touch the grounds he traversed. You can witness death many times and even thank God for still being alive. You can dive into the different sounds of architecture. He achieved all of this through the power of words.

We all grew up with stories tied to our culture. Food is a story that will never end, and music is another story that will endure. Ibn Battuta's journey is a great story that will always find a way to continue.

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